Staff Selection Commission(HSSC) Online Application Of Steno-typist (English)
Recruitment 2014 on www. hssc.gov.in
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Closing date for receipt of online applications 19.02.2014
Closing date for deposit of fee 21.02.2014
Cat. No. 3. 349 posts of
Steno-typist (English)
(Gen=87, SC=53, BCA=39, BCB=25, SBC=35,
EBPG=34, ESM-Gen=27, ESM-SC=11, ESM-BCA=8, ESM-BCB=11, OSPGen= 2, OSP-SC=3,
OSP-BCA=2, OSP-BCB=1, PHC (Ortho)-
EBPG=1, PHC (Ortho)-Gen=3, PHC (Hearing
Impairment)-EBPG=2, PHC (Hearing Impairment)-Gen=1, PHC (Blind & Low
vision)- Gen=3, PHC (Blind & Low Vision)-SC=1)
Educational Qualifications.
i) 10+2/10+2 1st Division /Graduation or
its equivalent from a recognized board/university.
ii) English Shorthand at a speed of 80
words per minute and transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and
mistakes should not exceed 8%.
iii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
Age: 17-40
Pay Scale: ` 5200-20200+` 1900 GP +` 100
Special pay